本帖最后由 AnswerDSL 于 2017-1-11 16:01 编辑

  • 标题:【联合国亚洲经济委员会数据——Library】#集搜客GooSeeker数据集开放目录#
  • 分类:公开数据
  • 关键词:统计数据、数据集、图书馆
  • 摘要:The United Nations ESCAP Library is a specialized collection of United Nations and ESCAP official documents and publications, and books, journals, multimedia and e-resources related to economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific.
  • 链接:http://www.unescap.org/library

可在Library catalogue(目录处)进行查询。

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GMT+8, 2024-9-29 09:24