本帖最后由 xandy 于 2017-2-20 14:55 编辑

  • 标题:【Data.gov.uk(英国政府公开数据)】#集搜客GooSeeker数据集开放目录#
  • 分类:政府
  • 关键词:公开数据、政府、英国、数据集
  • 摘要:Find data published by government departments and agencies, public bodies and local authorities. You can use this data to learn more about how government works, carry out research or build applications and services.
  • 链接:https://data.gov.uk/

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  • 在网页片段内直观标注——以B站评论采集为
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GMT+8, 2024-9-29 11:36