
Harvest Manager provide a GUI to users for managing data extraction results so that the users have no longer to login the DataStore server and to manage the files using operating system's commands. There are the following important features:

Browse result files

After having input theme's name in the Operation region and clicked button Query, all result files belonging to this theme can be browsed. If the SpiderClue id has been input too, only results having been extracted along this clue are browsed.

Under the Operation region there are two buttons for turning over pages. Total number of result files and current page number are also displayed.

View file content

There is a right-button pop-up menu over the result file list. By clicking menu item View, a new browser window pops up and presents the content of the file.

Backup result files

There is an Export button on the right side of Operations region, via pushing which the result files in folder uploadfiles belonging to this theme are compressed into a ZIP package which is downloaded to local file system. The operator can select a local folder to hold the package at the beginning of downloading. During compressing, the result files are moved from folder uploadfiles to folder exportedfiles.

Restore result files

There is an Import button on the right side of Operations region, via pushing which the local ZIP package containing result files can be uploaded onto the DataStore server and be expanded into uploadfiles folder.

Note: In current release, DataStore and Harvest Manager do not check if the result files to be imported belong to current theme so that the operator must make sure of matching of themes. Otherwise, the result files might be discarded during further manipulation because of mismatching of themes.

Note: By now, export and import are mainly used to transfer result files between two DataStore servers.


Assumed a user wanted to transfer result files from one DataStore server to another, he should take the following steps:

  1. Click DataScraper's menu Configure>>Server Location and let DataScraper to connect to the first DataStore server.
  2. Start Harvest Manager and push Export button to compress and download all result files belong to this theme to local file system.
  3. Close Harvest Manager's window.
  4. Click DataScraper's menu Configure>>Server Location and let DataScraper to connect to the second DataStore server.
  5. Start Harvest Manager and push Import button to upload the local package onto the DataStore server and to expand it.