Deploy MetaCamp & DataStore

Both MetaCamp and DataStore are deployed into Tomcat container and will access MySQL databases.

Create databases

Before starting the two servers, two databases and two accounts should be created on MySQL for MetaCamp and DataStore respectively in advance. While users can create them manually, it is more convenient to run two shell programs containing SQL scripts published along with MetaSeeker toolkits. The following steps show how to run them:

mysql –user=xxx –password=xxx < createDataStore.sql
mysql –user=xxx –password=xxx < createMetaCamp.sql

Deploy WARs

Deploying MetaCamp and DataStore is very straight-forward because all needed 3rd party Java class libraries are bundled into the two WARs, i.e. metacamp.war and datastore.war. After having created the databases and accounts, copy the two WARs into Tomcat's webapps folder. If Tomcat5 is running and is configured as auto-deployment, the servers will be deployed automatically.

Modify database connection

If MetaCamp or DataStore are deployed separately from their databases, i.e. on different computers, exceptions will be thrown because by default the servers try to connect to local database servers. As a result, the database connection must be reconfigured.

Modify DataStore's database connection

Take the following steps:

  1. Change directory to Tomcat's webapps/datastore/WEB-INF/classes;
  2. Open with an editor;
  3. Modify the value of hibernate.connnection.url to point to the real location of DataStore's database;
  4. Modify the value of metacamp.connection.url to point to the real location of MetaCamp's database;
  5. Save the changes and close the file;
  6. Restart DataStore or the whole Tomcat server.

Modify MetaCamp's database connection

Take the following steps:

  1. Change directory to Tomcat's webapps/metacamp/WEB-INF/classes;
  2. Open with an editor;
  3. Modify the value of hibernate.connnection.url to point to the real location of MetaCamp's database;
  4. Save the changes and close the file;
  5. Restart MetaCamp or the whole Tomcat server.

Check logs

The following log files can be checked to diagnose problems:

  • catalina.out: logs status information which are originally output to the output device. If there were exceptions to start MetaCamp or DataStore server, they would be logged in this file.
  • datastore.log: is a file which holds all logs output by DataStore server. If DataStore didn't work properly, administer would check this log file.
  • metacamp.log: is a file which holds all logs output by MetaCamp server. If MetaCamp didn't work properly, administer would check this log file.