Property's attributes

Property's attributes enrich property's features.

There are two ways to set the attributes: 1, tick their checkbox directly on the property mapping table; 2, set them in property's attribute editing windows which pop up if the right-button pop-up menu Property>>Edit is clicked after the property's checkbox has been ticked.

Note: All properties, except those with attribute null being set, should be mapped. Despite a DOM node, e.g. the #text node for a property, had empty value, it should still be mapped. If the HTML page's structure changes too much to find the required node for a property, different approaches should be taken for two different cases respectively. If all required DOM nodes in the first two semantic blocks, to be mapped to the first and the second replicas, exist, structure changes in other blocks will not impact data schema definition and data extraction. In contrast, if any required DOM node in the first two blocks cannot be found, another sample page should be chosen.

On the Extraction Editor work board, there are the following attributes from left to right in the property mapping table: