Dmoz's Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory on the web. It is owned by "Time Warner" and constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors, and is truly unique in many ways.
Dmoz's Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory on the web. It is owned by "Time Warner" and constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors, and is truly unique in many ways.
To quote the W3C: "The Semantic Web is about two things. It is about common formats for integration and combination of data drawn from diverse sources, where on the original Web mainly concentrated on the interchange of documents.
It is also about language for recording how the data relates to real world objects. That allows a person, or a machine, to start off in one database, and then move through an unending set of databases which are connected not by wires but by being about the same thing."