Prerequisites on software

Both MetaStudio and DataScraper are released as Firefox extensions so that prerequisites on software environment are same. On the other hand because both MetaCamp and DataStore are applications deployed into Tomcat container they have same requirements on software environment.

MetaStudio and DataScraper

MetaStudio and DataScraper can be deployed on one single computer on which Firefox v1.8~2.x should have been installed. They don't support Firefox with versions under 1.8. It has not be verified if version 3.0 or higher could be supported.

The programming language for MetaStudio is Javascript. If the target page is too complex, for example, over 100 thousands of nodes in DOM, the speed to load it decreases significantly because MetaStudio has to analyze the whole DOM tree during loading. In some worst cases, Firefox would popup a alert window asking if you want to stop the process. If it happened, operators should push the continue button. It does not prevent MetaStudio from working properly. If the frequency of the CPU is high enough, the phenomenon seldom appears.

MetaCamp and DataStore

MetaCamp and DataStore require the following running environments:

  • Tomcat 5.5.26
  • MySQL 5
  • Spring 2.5.1
  • Hibernate 3.2.4

DataStore requires more as follows:

  • Lucene 2.3.2

Note: There is not limitation on what exact build number of MySQL should be. In contrast, because MetaCamp and DataStore servers depend on Java classes provided by the other software, the classes must be strict compatible. In order to avoid issues, the 3'rd party class libraries, i.e., those from Spring, Hibernate, Lucene, bundled with MetaCamp and DataStore should be used.