Naming the theme is the first step to define a data schema for a group of Web pages. On the Theme Editor work board, there are three edit box for operators to input information on a theme:
- Theme Name: The operator must fill it with theme's name. If the operator wants to know if a name is vacancy, he should push the button check after having input theme's name. If message “The names are vacancy” is alerted, the name is vacancy. If the operator wants to know more information on data schemas belonging to a theme, he should push the button query after having input theme's name. Thereafter all data schemas belonging to this theme are listed.
- Middle Name: When defining new data schemas, MetaStudio always fill this box with a default middle name "default". It can be untouched if it can be assured that there isn't another data schema occupying this name. In case that there are multiple data schemas belonging to one theme, operators should give different middle names to the data schemas respectively. A digit, e.g. 1, 2, 3 and so on, is the most suitable.
- Location: After a sample page has been loaded by MetaStudio, its URL is filled in this edit box. Operators can change the value at their wills. Or it can be kept unchanged. In current release, this information doesn't contribute to data schema definition and data and clue extraction rules definition.