Reverse selection

When mapping data snippets and URLs to properties and clues respectively for defining data and clue extraction rules via MetaStudio, HTML DOM nodes can be positioned and selected with one of the following methods:

  • ordinary selection: the target HTML DOM node is searched in sequence on the DOM tree presented in the DOM tree viewer, which is a costly method.
  • reverse selection: is a rapid method to position a DOM node, through which a DOM node is positioned by clicking the presented element in the embedded browser window.

By default, this method is disabled. In order to enable it, the checkbox beside the image on the toolbar of MetaStudio should be ticked so that the default operations initiated via clicking on the browser is overrode. For example, by default the browser will navigate to a new page via clicking a hyper-link. In contrast a DOM node will be positioned on the DOM tree without navigating to a new page if reverse selection is enabled. Operators can enable or disable this function at any time.